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Join the PTA:
Parents and Teachers

Registration/Renewal for the 2024-2025 year is open! Your yearly membership is essential in supporting PTA programs that benefit every child at Westbrook and Glen Grove. Did you know the PTA sponsors assemblies and author visits, creates yearbooks, holds class parties, organizes family nights, gives teacher grants, and assists with community projects? It does that, and much more. Your membership makes all this possible. Thank you for your support!

Why be a PTA Member?

  • Make student programming possible with your membership dues

  • Have a direct say in PTA decisions with voting rights

  • Receive the monthly PTA Newsletter to your inbox

  • Stay informed with school news, PTA events, and volunteer opportunities

  • Create connections with parents and staff

  • No obligation to volunteer or attend meetings, unless you want to!

PTA Meetings are held monthly on Wednesdays and alternate between being at school in the morning and on Zoom in the evening. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend, but only members can vote. Let your voice be heard and join the PTA today!

Note: Membership is per parent/staff member for one year and renews annually. Join at the $50 or $25 level - the membership is the same. It's up to you what you'd like to give!

Join/Renew today!

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